Homily #080630 (05min) Play - We are called to be divinized by Jesus who is the way, but this way is not easy. It is the narrow and difficult way, full of sacrifices.
Ave Maria!
I?m glad that you touched on the ?dead burying their dead?; in as much as the family of the one who chose to follow Our Lord did not listen to, or believe in the gospel that Our Lord was preaching. It is very difficult to explain to your own family members what it means to be a ?true? Catholic. Being involved in the M.I.M. my extended family finds it unbelievable that I am involved in something that does not end. They think of it as a ?club?. With this homily I will be able to better explain my chosen way of life. Thank you for this great homily.
I?m glad that you touched on the ?dead burying their dead?; in as much as the family of the one who chose to follow Our Lord did not listen to, or believe in the gospel that Our Lord was preaching. It is very difficult to explain to your own family members what it means to be a ?true? Catholic. Being involved in the M.I.M. my extended family finds it unbelievable that I am involved in something that does not end. They think of it as a ?club?. With this homily I will be able to better explain my chosen way of life. Thank you for this great homily.