Topic: Giving All to Mary
“By this practice, faithfully observed, you will give Jesus more glory in a month, than by any other practice, however difficult, in many years.” – ? St. Louis de Montfort, The seventh effect of True Devotion to Mary
St. Alphonsus di Liguori explains why this devotion to Mary is truly efficacious.
“?Let us then, in the words of St. Bernard, ?endeavor to venerate this divine Mother with the whole affection of our hearts; for such is the will of God, who is pleased that we should receive every good thing from her hand. And therefore the saint exhorts us, whenever we desire or ask for any grace, to recommend ourselves to Mary, and to be assured that we shall receive it by her means; for he says, if thou dost not deserve the favor from God, Mary, who will ask it for thee, will deserve to receive it; ?because thou was unworthy of the gift, it was bestowed on Mary, that through her thou mightest receive all that thou hast.? The saint then advises us to recommend all that we offer to God to the care of Mary, be they good works or prayers, if we wish our Lord to accept them. ?Whatever thou mayest offer to God, be sure to recommend it to Mary, in order not to meet with a repulse.” The Glories of Mary, (Tan Books), 174-5.
Resolution: Today, I will make my Morning offering with renewed vigor recalling the great graces which exist when I turn everything over to Mary.
Marian Vow: “The Lord has said: ?No one who sets his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the Kingdom of heaven? (Lk. 9,62). Therefore, let the tertiaries strengthen themselves in fidelity to their consecration to God and the Immaculate by renewing each day their Profession with the Marian Vow, using the formula found in the manual of prayer.”? From the Marian Seraphic Pathways, Constitutions #21
I give this resolution to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Thanks be to God for graces received.
Ave Maria!
Mary Vitamin is a daily Email support for Marian mental prayer. Each day (Monday through Friday) members will receive a brief Marian quote with a corresponding Marian meditation and resolution. The Mary Vitamin is designed to make mental prayer a little simpler and bring Our Lady into your day in a systematic way.