May 21 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Do What We Know

By May 21, 2008October 27th, 2011Fr. Angelo Geiger, Homily
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Homily #080521 ( 10min) Play - To know what to do is not enough. We must actually do it. Fr. Angelo gives examples from the writings of St. Maximilian Kolbe and St. John Bosco to show that although deciding what to do is sometimes difficult, our usual difficulty in the spiritual life is mustering the strength to do what we already know needs to be done.
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  • magdalen says:

    As in our first reading today from the letter of St. James:

    4: 17 Everyone who knows what is the right thing to do and does not do it commits a sin.

    Tonight our so-called ‘peace and justice’ folks are presenting a session on how to vote. These people are okay with abortion. As the paid head of this church sponsored committee said to the RCIA class: it is better to have an abortion than another starving 5 year old.

    We have priests and sisters on board with this approval of abortion and publicly. Our pro-abortion state rep is from my parish and is widely supported in the parish.

    Anyway, tonight I must go to the peace and justice presentation because statements in favor of abortion cannot go unchallenged. Someone MUST speak. And that someone might be me. The weak the foolish, you know…

  • Jennifer A. says:


    I will pray for your strength tonight … that you will be given the spiritual courage necessary to atleast make these people ‘pause’. My priest is definitely pro-life but far more energy seems to go into the social justice programs and the votes are encouraged in that direction as well. How any religious can be pro-choice is truly beyond me. But, this is why there are so many truly and rightfully confused fellow Catholics.

    I can’t believe your phrase from priests and sisters about how it’s better to have an abortion than a starving 5 yr old … good grief. The problem isn’t the abortion .. the problem is the lack of morals that leads to children out-of-wedlock, etc. Imagine taking that logic and placing it in any other area of life … it simply does not hold. Why not kill the drug addict then because the odds are they’ll suck off society and get into criminal acts to support their habits … better to not live! Don’t suggest this .. they might buy into it.

    Well, I will lift you in prayer … keep us posted.


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