Homily #080321 (24min) Play - "It is consummated" (St John 19:30). As we honor the day of Our Lord's Passion and Death, Fr Bonaventure reflects on this act of God's love for man.
Ave Maria! Mass readings
One of the wonderful attributes of being able to listen to these homilies on-line is that one can stop it at a section and ‘rewind’ it to re-hear something that was confusing the first time around. There was so much meat in this homily that I’m glad I had the ability to digest it more slowly. One thing I learned that I never heard of before was the historically documented fact about the Universal Day of Darkness. How awesome is that! I’ll have to dig more into that one … I hope I can find it within a reputable source.
One of the wonderful attributes of being able to listen to these homilies on-line is that one can stop it at a section and ‘rewind’ it to re-hear something that was confusing the first time around. There was so much meat in this homily that I’m glad I had the ability to digest it more slowly. One thing I learned that I never heard of before was the historically documented fact about the Universal Day of Darkness. How awesome is that! I’ll have to dig more into that one … I hope I can find it within a reputable source.
Have a blessed Easter.