Mar 18 – Homily – Fr Angelo: Sacrilegious Communions
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Homily #080318 ( 13min) Play - "It was night." Judas went out into the darkness to do his deed of darkness. He did this after receiving communion sacrilegiously, the darkest deed of them all, and Satan entered his heart. Today, in the face of so many sacrilegious Communions, we must do many acts of reparation to dispel the growing darkness.
Ave Maria! Mass readings
Fr. Angelo,
Thanks for such a great holmily. I am confused about “perfect contrition” regarding reception of Holy Communion.
The CCC (1452) gives a definition, which does include remission of mortal sin if the penitent has the firm resolve to seek sacramental confession, but no mention of being able to receive the Eucharist.
I suspect that many of the faithful believe that the “Domine non sum dignus” is some sort of general absolution, when in fact it is an act of humility before God, as it was with the Centurion who first uttered those words to Our Lord.
In any event, it is probably better to receive sacramental confession before presuming to have “perfect” contrition as the only judge of perfection is He who is all perfection.
Easter Blessings to you and all of the friars at Griswold !
Thank you. Easter blessings to you and yours.
Your point concerning what the CCC says is well taken. The universal catechism does not recommend the practice of going to communion without the sacramental confession of all mortal sins; however, the fundamental prerequisite for receiving Holy Communion is the state of grace, which is present if, by whatever manner, mortal sin has been remitted.
The real problem is whether or not the perfect act has been really made. Some of these pastoral recommendations about receiving Holy Communion after making a perfect act of contrition seem to suggest that jumping in and out of the state of grace is a relatively easy thing to do, so that if one finds himself or herself in a situation where not going to Holy Communion might be embarrassing, one may assume that he or she has made a perfect act of contrition. This is not the case.
This is why I made the point, not often preached on, that people in the pews should mind their own business, and never encourage someone who has remained behind to go up to receive. Also parents should be careful not to be too inquisitive in these matters. Get your children to confession frequently. It is an act of charity to behave in such a way that everyone in the pews feels free to go up to Communion or remain behind without the slightest embarrassment.
Great homily, Fr. Angelo! Just wanted to comment that we had trouble hearing it even with our computer set on the highest volume :(.