Video – FI News #32: Friar Gabriel Skates Again

By March 14, 2008November 10th, 2015Fi News, Mission Down Under
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Ave Maria!

Friar Gabriel's brother, himself being an accomplished skater, recently visited our two friaries in Western Australia, and while he was there shot another video of Friar Gabriel skateboarding. He used some of the original footage shot in 2004 but also took some great footage by riding a skateboard himself and holding the camera. He then edited the results together with some music from Fr Maximilian Mary Dean and here's the result - great stuff!

Ave Maria!

Author apostolate

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Join the discussion 8 Comments

  • fra John says:

    A refreshing video for the soul. Well done!

  • Other Mary says:

    We’re all imagining a similar production with Griswold friars running the Gauntlet – slo mo, fast forward, reverse…could be quite entertaining! Will you accept the challenge?!

  • apostolate says:

    Ave Maria!

    Dear Other Mary,

    I’ll ask the other friars to see if they will volunteer. As for me, I think I’ll just watch.

    Fra Roderic

  • Another Other says:

    Yes, I think having the friars do the gantlet is a great idea!! I think maybe, as a show of support, the General Delagate should lead them through the it like a General leading his troops!!(how knightish!)

  • apostolate says:

    Ave Maria!

    Sorry, so far no takers from the friars on the gauntlet idea. 🙂

  • Other Mary says:

    Ave Maria!
    Maybe the Ladies of the Court need to speak with the General or Father Guardian to make our appeal.

  • knight Errant says:

    I think it is absolutely incumbent upon the General Delegate – note the first term infers a military commander if we are liberal with our terms – to show what he is made of and lead the troops into the fray!

    Methinks it would be churlish to avoid this challenge and leave his forces leaderless and in disarray on the battlefield.

    Fra Roderick – Sound the battle cry! Summon the General! To Arms to Arms!

  • Mark says:

    The only way to properly show my total respect for his skill would be to say…….
