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Homily #080227 (
12min) Play -?We have a two-fold responsibility to God to observe His laws ourselves and to teach them to our children and others. These things are not easy and we need fortitude, courage, and perseverance to bear witness to Christ in the world today.
Ave Maria! Mass readings
Ave Maria!
Hello Father Angelo,
Your homily described some pieces of this *Dangerous Dad Case* of which I was not aware. For instance, I somehow *missed* the fact that Mr. Parker was now at the Supreme Court over this issue. I have a good friend whose mil lives in MA and has been on a committee trying to help this man but somehow I missed some of these details you discussed.
One of the things I have felt God asking me to do is to help to fight some of these issues. My kids have remained in this public sector partially because of this … it’s sometimes easier to make changes from the inside than from the outside. (Not that I want to sacrifice my kids’ welfare for this, mind you; I will yank them if I feel that happening.) But, I have a vested interest and the schools know it. I am someone who helps them out and positively supports them so, in a sense, they owe it to me to atleast hear me out, if you will.
This leads me to my question and a question to which I should really know the answer but humbly admit that I do not. How do we find out in our own State if some of this agenda is quietly brewing? I much prefer to be proactive than reactive. Are there forums that are meeting in the background at which few people attend because we are unaware? I am horrible with this political/government/civil stuff … mostly because I don’t appreciate liars and bull-sh*tters, sorry to be so frank. It’s a fine line to walk when dealing with these people and I’m aware of that. For instance, in the world of homeschooling, some states have allowed homeschoolers to participate in the after school programs … this makes perfect sense since they are all tax-payers, too. However, in CT it is not allowed. Yet, many homeschoolers do not want to push this envelope because there are other freedoms that they have (like no one micromanaging how and what they teach … and not having to turn in portfolios for review, etc) that they don’t want to open this Pandora’s Box, if you will. I don’t blame them … for now, keep quiet! You could lose more than you gain. So it is in this situation … I don’t want to become too vocal when everything seems to be *acceptable* because then no one will listen to me if there are BIGGER battles to fight later. And, bigger battles could come to the foreground due to the vocalization.
Yet, I don’t want it to get to the point of where Mr. Parker is. Quite honestly, as you said in your homily, our civil rights can begin disappearing over-night … I don’t think this is too fanatical of a fear. I think this is clearly where we are headed and we need to get our heads out of the sand. I just want to get it out of the sand at the proper time, in the proper way … well thought out and timed perfectly. That will be the key, imho.
Does anyone have any thoughts on how to do this?
Peace in Christ,