Video – Fr Maximilian – The Cornerstone #41: Transforming Union with the Beloved
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Ave Maria!
After looking at the spiritual life at different angles based on the different persons found in the drama at Calvary. Father Maximilian speaks of the Alpha and the Omega of the spiritual life: Christ - who has the Absolute Primacy. The peak of the spiritual life, through the mediation of the Immaculate is: Transforming Union with the Beloved. This mystery of Christ the King on Calvary redeeming the world, summing all things under his Headship and uniting it to God the Father is made present in the Holy Eucharist in Holy Communion. Listen to Father Maximilian speak of souls becoming conformed to Christ through the Heart of the Immaculate.
Ave Maria!
Ave Maria!
Blessed and fruitful Lent to all!
Here are the links for this episode:
[N.B. This part of the Cornerstone series (starting with episode #36) is based on a paper I presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Marian Coredemption in England (cf. Mary at the Foot of the Cross vol. II, Academy of the Immaculate Publication). The paper is presented in sections online at Mother of All Peoples. ]