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News – Cardinal Lozano Preaches on Marian Co-Redemption at St. Peters

By February 13, 2008March 2nd, 2019News

Zenit News reports that Javier Cardinal Lozano Barragán from Mexico, President of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Health Care Workers preached about Marian Co-Redemption in connection with the mystery of suffering and the need to unite ourselves to Jesus in the Eucharist, the only true remedy for pain. The homily was for a Mass at the St. Peters Basilica for health care workers involved in providing transportation for sick people to shrines like Lourdes and Fatima and took place on Monday, Feb 11, the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. He was took as his starting point similar statements in Benedict XVI’s message for the World Day of the Sick. The Cardinal asked: “Is it possible to experience the suffering of Christ in our own suffering, to find therein happiness and joy?”? He said, “yes” and taking this into the Marian dimension added:

“This complete ‘yes’ of love is the Immaculate Conception of our dear Mother, Mary,” who participated “on Calvary as the co-redeemer of the Savior. […] Christ on the cross suffered all the pains that his most holy mother suffered. And she in Christ suffers all our pains, she assumes them and knows how to commiserate with us. Our suffering is also her suffering.” [emphasis added]

This represented one of the most prominent uses of this Marian title in many years.

Keep a look out here on AirMaria for Mark Miravalle’s series where in the next episode?he will have a commentary on this event and the new public request by five Cardinals to have the Bishops and Cardinals of the world sign a petition for the Fifth Marian Dogma.

Ave Maria!



Author apostolate

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Join the discussion 15 Comments

  • Arline Saiki says:

    Wouldn’t the recent discovery of the exchange of cells between the unborn child and the mother be a physical proof of Mary’s role as co-Redemptrix? Apparently, not only does the mother give her cells to the baby, but the baby gives its cells to the mother. This would be a good reason for the necessity of Mary’s Immaculate Conception, but it would seem that in a real, physical way, Mary also participated in the Redemption.

  • kate W. says:


    How about an article guiding the Catholic Faithful on the recent claims of a certain Marian visionary from the Philippines that “Mary is God according to the Third Secret of Fatima”?

    A certain dominic sanchez falar, a self acclaimed Marian visionary, has been propagating the Mary is God belief around the internet and founded the MARY-IS-GOD CATHOLIC MOVEMENT to help him.

    Such visionaries will initially be unpopular but if they gain even just a fraction of the 1 billion Catholic population, we could be seeing quite a challenge in the very near future especially for the Vatican.

    kate W.

  • Br says:

    Thats a heresy, and if thats what he’s saying the apparitions are false, i think someone who knows more than me should give some sort of explanation on that.

  • Fr Angelo says:

    Thats a heresy, and if thats what he’s saying the apparitions are false, i think someone who knows more than me should give some sort of explanation on that.

    Explanation: Mary is not God. period.

    The Church has never been confused on this point.

    Here is the visionary’s explanation of why “Mary is God.”

    I was told that Mary Is God because She is the Soul of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, this Truth was explained to me through the following relationships,

    “Spirit is to God. Person is to Soul. Angel is to Church. Man is to Woman. Husband is to Wife. Adam is to Eve.” In my letter dated June 17 2005, I added what little I know of philosophy and formulated my own explanation with: “Existence is to Being.” To further explain it today I would add, “Head is to Body”, but this is only my own and not part of the original thought I was revealed with. . .

    Point one: God does not have a soul; point two: the explanation is not an explanation. Reason for point two: the explanation is theological gibberish.

    The next paragraphs from the “visionary” speak for themselves:

    I have taken this endeavor as a faithful and true son of the Catholic Church. You probably find my claims impossible if not outrightly insane. The truth is, I have gotten used to emails accusing me of insanity and branding me of many other humiliating adjectives. But don’t take me too lightly, please, am already a veteran of this weird profession.

    Years of death defying stunts at the frontlines of this diabolic war, had transformed this soldier of fortune into the ultimate fighting machine. Don’t rely on your barrage of intellectual artillery, a dumb visionary is impervious to anything, except to a nagging wife. And just in case you think you can employ her to my disadvantage, don’t even think about it. She’s dumber than I am.

    For the young and aspiring visionaries out there, take note, in this kind of business, insults are the main ingredients for success. Collect as many as you can. People like to give them free. Take it from me. I’ve learned the secret art of laughing at other people’s abuses, to the detriment of some credit card collection agents!

    Now some people from the other side of the globe insist I’m an escapee from the asylum. I vehemently deny that. Never did I hear that accusation outside my own village. But if you insist, well what the heck, when the Russians start bombing your cities and all hell breaks loose, you are lucky if you can get into one. I’ve had enough and won’t cry anymore. I’m just sitting here and waiting for that H bomb to drop on you!

    Before you mock me again, friend, let me warn you about visionaries for there are only three kinds of these extremely dangerous freaks. They are, those going straight to heaven, those going straight to hell, and those going straight to the asylum. Those going to heaven can send you to hell. Those going to hell can send you to the asylum. And worse, those going to the asylum can make you a visionary!

    I’ll give him credit for a sense of humor, but he definitely not seeing or hearing the Blessed Mother. Don’t anyone get excited.

  • rafael says:

    why not just condemn him with an excommunication? that should send a clear signal to all concerned. the church is leaving too many holes and compromises.

    where does this visionary belong to? what is his diocese and who is his local bishop?

  • mike says:

    this problem has at least 4 issues:

    1. the visionary’s claim.

    2. the local diocese’s silence.

    3. catholic’s ignorance.

    4. vatican’s negligence and denial of the fatima message.

  • Fr Angelo says:


    This problem has really only one issue:

    1. The visionary is a heretic. Period.


    I don’t think the vatican will react, because it simply is not warranted. The local bishop should take the matter in hand.

    I suppose there are a number of individuals who might be adversely affected by a false revelation so patently contradictory of the deposit of faith and common sense, namely, contradictory of monotheism; however, I don’t see the Vatican–whatever else might be the problems in the Church–getting all excited about something so ridiculous.

    Furthermore, I have my doubts as to whether this individual is even serious. I would not be surprised if he is a college creative writing student having a little wicked fun with a religious hoax. There are precedents. I really have a hard time taking him seriously. And don’t forget the thing that gives a hoaxer the most pleasure is when he can get people to believe and take seriously the ridiculous.

  • mike says:

    how about the 1 sheep out of the 100 that gets lost due to misinformation?

  • Fr Angelo says:

    I agree that the local bishop should do something about it.

  • mike says:

    [The bulk of this comment and the following one consist in quotes from an unapproved and heretical private revelation.  AirMaria has edited the comments by puting the quotes in blockquote format]

    How would you assess this? Hallucination or insanity?

    Justice and Retribution

    After the 1994 vision of Our Blessed Mother, I was drawn to an intense spiritual yearning. I made sacrifices such as fasting and prayers. I came to a point in my spirituality when I started to hate sinners because it seemed to me that they were insincere to God. I saw that people were not just ignoring and violating the commandments but that they were also abusing the Divine Mercy being offered to them.

    I asked Our Lord why he has not punished the world instead. Then during those times I prayed or felt that way, I would suddenly see Our Lord standing in front of me in a very emaciated condition and wearing a rag torn in shreds. Everytime this happens, I would feel a very intense guilt and would prostrate myself before our altar at home and even sometimes in places not appropriate for such acts.

    On several occasions, I would ask Him why He tortures me in such way when I sincerely loved and adored Him. I’d ask the Lord why He allowed Himself such treatment and why he shows himself in such manner. Once I said to Our Lord that He didn’t look like God anymore for He was in such a helpless condition, and that He looked more like a slave than a master. His body was bruised all over and I could see blood all over Him. The sight evoked in me the most intense guilt, unspeakable sorrow and anguish. But I didn’t know what to do then.

    Often I would prostrate before the altar or wherever I was, for even when I closed my eyes the vision stayed. And besides, when these visions occurred, I did not want to stand on the same ground as the Lord, for I felt that I should always be below Him. Hence, if He was standing on earth then I should be buried underneath the ground or if He was standing on the altar then I should be at least prostrate on the floor.

    Then after a long time, Our Lord finally told me that everytime I asked for justice or punishment upon sinners, I was in fact demanding for his crucifixion.

    This was hard for me to accept then. For I thought that I was sincere in serving God and that same sincerity led me to conclude that men were abusing God’s Divine Mercy. So in revolt (May Our Lord forgive me for having done this.) I said to Our Lord that it would have been better if He did not give me eyes because those same eyes made me see what humans were doing to Him and His Divine Mercy.

    And the Lord told me that Lucifer and those angels like him had the same complaint before the Throne of God. Our Lord and God Jesus Christ said that angels were not originally against The Most Holy Trinity. The rebellion was rather because The Most Holy Trinity created man, loved him, and forgave his sins.

    Those were the hardest times of my life for then I saw an Infinitely Merciful God in contrast to an infinitely abusive mankind. On top of it all, I was told to forgive man and love him. Yet I thought, how can I possibly love those who persecute my God?

    And sometimes because of these, I humbly and repentantly admit now and may God forgive me for what I have done, there were times when I felt angrier with God than with the sinners. For always, whenever I felt the urge to condemn men, Our Lord would immediately appear to me in that horribly emaciated condition and enkindling in me a feeling of intense guilt.

    Amidst overwhelming anguish, I said to Our Lord; now I have become the worst of all sinners, for I am not only angry with men but is also angry with You My God. Yet, it was my love for You that drove me to wish the condemnation of sinners and now this same love has led me to the worst sin any creature can commit. I am angry with my own Creator. How can this be? Now the greatest sinners are in a better position than I am for surely You will forgive them as it is already obvious. But me, how can I be forgiven for being angry with You? Why did You allow this to happen, Lord?

    Later, Our Lord revealed to me that it was His Will that I bear the same burden as that of the angles in heaven when they foresaw the injustice and abuse that God The Creator, would soon suffer from his creatures. This burden of loving and forgiving an abusive and sinful mankind, as revealed to me, was hell for the proudest of angels, for it required of them to swallow their pride and wore a crown of humiliation.

    Of course, I chose to obey Our Lord and God Jesus Christ. Admittedly though, that choice was the fruit of a long struggle that lasted for months. The thought of our insincerity towards Our Lord and God Jesus Christ overshadowed me for quite some time.

  • mike says:

    and probably this one too really bothers me…i’m interested as to what happened to this guy:

    I prayed to Our Lord and God Jesus Christ and His Most Holy Mother Mary and confided to Them my fears of these revelations given to me. I told Our Lord my fear of offending Him by believing what at that time seemed to be absolute heresy.

    And once, I prayed to The Lord and said, “Lord, if it is false and I believed it then I will be condemned to hell. On the other hand, if it is true and I would not believe it then I would have hurt You so deeply because You have trusted me so much and yet I do not believe You. It would be much less painful for You if You are to get angry with me and condemn me to hell than if You will feel betrayed by someone You trusted so much. Anyway, You can easily create and replace me with another servant. Therefore, for love of You I will dare to believe that it is indeed true. For I would rather risk being condemned to hell for all eternity than risk hurting Your Heart.”

    This I said to Our Lord not only for the Mary Is God Dogma but also for the other messages and mysteries which Our Lord in His Infinite Mercy has granted me the knowledge and understanding of.

  • mike says:

    i got those from dominic falar’s website…it seems he is experiencing some really out-of-this-world-phenomenon. Can Father Angelo give some enlightenment as to the visionary’s messages from a scholastic point of view? – if this is not asking too much.

    let’s assume we take all other possibilities first, such as this being a hoax, and judge the writings per see…

    maybe some psychiatrist here can also assess the writer’s personality.

    that would really be interesting.

  • mike says:

    correction :

    let’s assume we exclude all other possibilities first.

  • Fr Angelo says:


    I respect your concerns and have allowed your comments, including the long quotes from Dominic Falar’s alleged revelations. I appreciate the fact that left unaddressed these revelations could lead souls astray; however, it seems to me, that the best way to address this problem is to give the clearest, simplest and most direct argument. The revelations the alleged seer are so preposterous, in my view, that no in depth analysis is justified, or in any way needed.

    The assertion that “Mary is God” is flatly heretical. It is not only contradictory to the Trinitarian faith of Divine Revelation, but also flatly at odds with Natural Theology and the irrationality of polytheism. That is the essence of it. Problem solved.

    Falar says:

    I prayed to Our Lord and God Jesus Christ and His Most Holy Mother Mary and confided to Them my fears of these revelations given to me. I told Our Lord my fear of offending Him by believing what at that time seemed to be absolute heresy.

    This statement is on track. To bad his thought process derailed. The most basic principle of discernment of spirits is to assess whether a given belief, inspiration, desire or revelation is consistent with the deposit of faith. In regard to the consideration of Falar’s assertions, it should have taken him all of ten seconds to realize that the propositions he makes about Our Lady come from hell.

    It there are those who need more of an explanation, then I would submit that what they really need is not a refutation of Mr. Falar, but some basic catechism. Falar’s writing does not deserve the attention. Best thing to do is to direct any poor soul under his influence to the First Article of the Creed and its explanation in the catechism.

    I think we have gone far afield from the topic of this post.

  • mike says:

    I see your point Father Angelo. Catholic Catechism is fading away even in Catholic Schools. Thanks and until then…God Bless.

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