Jan 23 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: Espousal of the Virgin Mary

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Homily #080123 (7min) Play - Fr. Ignatius preaches on the feast of the Espousal of the Virgin Mary to St. Joseph. He points out that this was the most happy marriage in the world because it was the holiest.
Ave Maria!

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  • Mark Boutross says:

    Dear Father,
    Thank you for a very edifying homily. I was one of those men who believed that “anything goes” in the Catholic marriage provided that contraception is not utilized. I now know that I was terribly mistaken. The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony is there to provide the grace to increase in holiness, especially chastity. I now know that just as the priest lives a life of perfect continence for the sake of the Kingdom of GOD, that mutually agreed upon continence in marriage, for the sake of the Kingdom and prayer (I Cor. 7), is a good and holy excercise. As you so aptly preached, happiness is directly associated with holiness, so it is reasonable to conclude that the chaste and continent marriage is the happiest one.

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