Video – Roving Reporter #21: Walk for Life West Coast

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Ave Maria! Back in June at the Catholic Family Conference in Anaheim, CA we ran into Eva Muntean from Ignatius Press and she gave us an interview about the Walk for Life West Coast of which she is Co-chair. This is the San Francisco version of the Washington, DC March for Life, but is more interesting because San Francisco is a much more left-wing town and so the pro-abort counter protesters are far more numerous, vociferous and . . . obscene than in DC. Despite all this, the Pro-lifers keep their dignified calm and the numbers keep growing into the tens of thousands. In this video we included many clips from past Walks for Life. See if you can tell the difference between the pro-life protesters and the pro-abortion counter protesters along the side. (Even after we cut out all their obscene gestures it is still easy to tell.) The 2008 DC March for Life will be on Tuesday, Jan 22, the San Francisco Walk for Life was held just last Saturday, Jan 19. Ave Maria!

Author apostolate

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  • magdalen says:

    This peaceful movement continues to grow and it is changing the attitude in the country. Abortions are down!

    I liked the sign that said “Peace begins in the Womb” as our local ‘peace and justice’ people will have nothing to do with the pro-life movement and are even rather hostile towards it.

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