Video – Face of Pro-life #17: Fra Augustine Evangelize with Mass Media

By January 6, 2008June 23rd, 2008Corinn Dahm, Face of Pro-Life, Special Event, Vocations
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Ave Maria!

Corinn Dahm and Fra Augustine Mary, FI discuss the need and methods for evangelizing in the modern world and in the process Fra Augustine talks about the journey that led him into the Franciscans of the Immaculate and then the mass media apostolate.

Ave Maria!

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  • magdalen says:

    I enjoyed this and also hearing of Friar Augustine’s vocation.

    I suggest that it might be helpful to have a category for vocations. Having just also listened to Sr. Maximiliana’s vocation story, I think it is needful! We need to her what drew men and women to this religious life. Also perhaps some of the Tertiaries could also speak of their religious vocation in the world.

    More please!
    Ave Maria!

  • Mark says:

    Well spoken, of course Fra Augustine. Glad to hear that the website is growing. I pray every day that your message will be seen and heard by more people each day.

    Ave Maria

    p.s. Yes I miss the homilies but more importantly I miss Fr Sharbel and the World Review. I guess it’s time to start a letter / email writing campaign. 😉

  • Rachel says:

    I think it would be a fantastic idea if the friars did a true to life documentary of what it’s like to live a real catholic life as a lay person. Sort of like “Real TV” You know, follow a family around for a day or a week filming them running around frantically trying to get the kids out of bed, fed breakfast and off to Holy Mass. Getting through another Sunday round of Cathecism classes. What the kids go through at school during the day, mom’s trying to work and take care of kids and family, family coming back together again at the end of the day for dinner, kids wrestling and fighting with each other, etc. Dad dealing with issues in his work place. You get the drift.

    Since Real TV appeals so much to viewing audiences in todays day and age, I think it would be a great way to show non-Catholics what it’s like to live a catholic life from a Catholic perspective. Right now, TLC has a show about families with a dozen or more kids and I hear the ratings are right up there.

    Just a thought…for interesting viewing.

  • Susan says:

    Ave Maria,

    It was really inspiring to see and hear Friar Augustine on the other side of the camera for a change! A reminder that God works…. mysteriously, Fra Augustine….

    Please, let’s pray that the Friars will capture many radio stations. May the good Lord multiply your good efforts many fold….and May Our Lady be pleased with all that she sees and hears.

    Ave Maria!

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