Dec 14 – Fr. Ignatius: St. John of the Cross and Penance

By December 14, 2007December 21st, 2007Fr. Ignatius Manfredonia, Homily
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Ave Maria!

What must a christian do to properly prepare for the coming of Our Lord? Penance, detachment, and sacrifice!

Ave Maria!

Author apostolate

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  • magdalen says:

    I will comment here–penance is NEVER ever preached in my parish. Today, we heard we are to rejoice because we are so wonderful and have so many charities that we support and etc. And it was announced at the end of Mass that there will be the communcal penance service but no encouragement to come, just announced. People are left in their sins. Father, in the bulletin, writes weekly on himself and his ‘recovery’. We have a secular ‘sister’ who teaches tai chi and some other secular sisters who do centering prayer. There is a session on the earth and nature. One secular sister came in after daily Mass yesterday and she, who never attends daily Mass, was going to have a session on (new age) prayer. Our poor sisters with their new wardrobes of pants and jewelry and some with dyed hair do NOT lead souls along the way of prayer. Their knees do not bend and they hate male pronouns and the opportunities missed to touch hungry souls who do long to know more of God are many. Our priests have many vacations, new homes and cars. The Gospel is not preached.

    Take up your cross??? YOu will not hear those words preached in this american catholic spiritual desert.

  • mayra says:

    Thank you Fr Ignatious for this valuable teaching. Three of my children are discerning vocations and I am very glad whenever I hear anything helpful regarding discernment and the religious life. My children are very young and won’t be making any vocations decitions for a very long time, however, I need to continue guiding them with the Truth and prudent counsel. Your homilies at airmaria help me a great deal, we listen to them every day. Fr Bonaventure doesn’t disappoint either.
    God bless
    let us pray

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