Video – Fr Angelo Geiger – Standing Fast #18: Our Lady and the Mass

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Ave Maria!

Our Lord is the Victim, Priest and Bride Groom of the Church and Our Lady Participates like no other ever has or will. She enables all of us to participate in the unbloody sacrifice of Mass. Listen to father as he explains the dignity of womanhood based on Mary's unique cooperation in the work of Christ.

Ave Maria!

Author apostolate

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  • Mark says:

    Ave Maria, I just have a question about the picture of Our Lady at the foot of the cross.Does anyone know who the artist is? I love this picture ,I’ve seen it over the years here and there and have always wondered who the artist is.Thank you

  • Jennifer A. says:

    All of this Chivalry stuff is quite fascinating and I sure hope that it starts to *infect* people!! Although I’m not a man looking upon Mary as most of this chivalry is addressing, I do feel that Our Lady is calling me to a greater understanding of who She is. Besides the fact that I was baptized as Jennifer Mary, throughout my childhood I never really gave Her too much thought. Then, as an adult when I became heavily influenced by Evangelicals, I had BIG problems with Mary. That was 20 years ago. Finally two years ago, I decided to start praying the Rosary each day as a Lenten offering. But, I still felt very uncomfortable at any crownings of the Statues of Her. I cannot say that I understand the level of devotion that many people, such as you Priests/Friars, have for Her. But, I’ve come to believe that the problem is MY problem .. I’m the one who’s not getting it and I need to do something about that.

    I’ve begun to think about what it really means to consecrate myself to Her … because I keep tripping over those sites and feel drawn to some of these sites, I have to believe that I’m being called to do this. Yet, it’s somewhat of a puzzle to me! If Mary’s main goal is to lead us to Christ, then why keep emphasizing Her? Somehow I humbly admit that I’m missing something very big here … and I’m embarrassed, to be quite honest. But, in order to be honest, I cannot pretend that this doesn’t puzzle me.

    Well maybe with Mary’s help, all of your patience (and my incredible stubbornness), it will all make perfect sense to me one day! I’m waiting …

    Jen A.

  • Fr Angelo says:

    If Mary’s main goal is to lead us to Christ, then why keep emphasizing Her? Somehow I humbly admit that I’m missing something very big here … and I’m embarrassed, to be quite honest. But, in order to be honest, I cannot pretend that this doesn’t puzzle me.


    The big thing, to summarize, is the Divine Maternity. Jesus is a divine person who becomes the Child of Mary: one divine person, with both a divine and human nature, the latter He receives from Mary. He is flesh of Her flesh and bone of her bone, truly Her Son in all things, but conceived and born virginally.

    St. Paul says have this mind in you which was in Christ Jesus, who though he was in the form of God did not deem equality with God something to be clung to, but rather emptied himself, taking the form of a slave. (Philipians 2). In other words, the Divine Maternity was God’s idea and is the specific way in which He chose to make our redemption possible.

    She is merely a creature, but truly the Mother of God. She thus both shares our nature and is uniquely representative of its highest potential. This truth is honored by Christ Himself in a superlative way, and one which can never be equaled. No one will ever honor Her as much as Jesus did by becoming Her Child.

    If Christ is the way, then the way is Marian. If He humbled Himself in this manner so must we. He could have done it differently, but this is the only way in which he actually redeemed us.

    Don’t worry you will get it. Just open yourself up to Our Lady in prayer.

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