Dec 9 – Fr Ignatius Manfredonia: Penance

By December 9, 2007December 21st, 2007Fr. Ignatius Manfredonia, Homily
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Ave Maria!

"There are positive sacrifices that we should make in our lives - in fact the Council of Trent says, "The whole life of a Christian should be one continuous act of Penance."... a day shouldn't go by when we don't make at least some small sacrifice. And this is also what Our Lady called for at Fatima. Remember She said, "There are many souls who go to Hell because there is no to pray and to make sacrifices for them. The life of the Christian, modelled on the life of the Savior, should be a life of penance and sacrifice.

Ave Maria!

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  • Donna says:

    Sin could be the major cause of depression. Most turn to drugs as a quick fix; others just blame anybody or anything for their miserable state. How can one find his way to God when he is clouded with sin?What can one do to help out?

    Ave Maria

  • Fr. Ignatius says:


    We can always help by a good word, good example, prayer and sacrifice.

    God bless,

    Fr. Ignatius

  • Donna says:

    Thank you, Father.

    Good word, good example, prayer and sacrifice seems for me, is easier said than done. It ‘s good reminder for me, though. And I’ll try my best to do one step at a time. To be good this time takes a lot of courage!

    In my free time, I’d been listening to your homilies and the Friars’. It gives me a sense of direction just by listening. I never realized there is a space in the internet like yours and I am spreading the news!

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