Dec 8 – Fr Bonaventure: The Immaculate Conception & Karl Marx?
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Ave Maria!
So what the heck has Karl Marx and communism got to do with the Feast of the Immaculate Conception?
"To dishonor the Mother is to dishonor the Son, and to dishonor the Son is to dishonor the Father, and to dishonor the Father and the Son is necessarily to dishonor the Holy Spirit. And so ultimately what do we have here? Atheism! But not atheism as it is commonly understood, for there are no true atheists. Atheism is?simply a term that hides ultimately those who hate God. And indeed one of the greatest?so called atheists of our time, understanding this, denied and formed a political?philosophy?designed explicitly to destroy the Holy Priesthood! How did he do so? By incorporating into his political doctrine of communism - feminism - the aspiration of women for the Priesthood. Ultimately what is being done here? A denial of the prerogatives of the Mother of God because as Karl Marx pointed out in his poetry, he was angry at God for the way he ordered the dispensation of salvation, and communism was designed to get even with God, and in order to do that you necessarily had to disparage womanhood. And so Karl Marx is the modern father of that doctrine that is not atheism as it is commonly understood, but atheism as it truly is, hatred of Almighty God because of the wonderful things He has done for humanity through the Blessed Virgin Mary" - Wow, this is good stuff. Fr Bonaventure was on a roll today - you must listen to this homily!!!
Ave Maria!