Video- Homily – Fr Bonaventure Maria: Love the Sinner; Hate the Sin

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Ave Maria!

"...indeed we see this most strikingly in our day and age and when that?unspeakable sin of sodomy is one that we are not even permitted to criticise. And indeed we often fail?to criticise because we are afraid of offending, as it?were,?the one who practiced that most unspeakable vice. And yet the language of the Saints is clear in this matter, for one described that as a vice so vile that when satan himself induces a human being into the practice of that vice he himself then departs from that? soul because of the stench and filfth that they have taken upon themselves. That is the language of the Saints in the matter of this vice and it is truly, as it were, the language of charity. For if someone has contracted something so vile, then we must be willing to love them and?risk their wrath in order to bring them out of it and so the vice must be described as it is in the sight of God and that is precisely what made the saints, Saints; they would never water down even the slightest the truths of almighty God because they truly adored Him above all things, and then they loved their neighbor as themselves for God's sake. And they knew full well that if they had ever fallen into such vile practices they would pray and wish that someone had the courage to stand up and speak to them on this matter in all honesty and all truth."

Wow!!! When was the last time you heard that preached from the pulpit??? The truth will set you free.

Ave Maria!

Author apostolate

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  • Ave Maria says:

    I do not recall hearing that from the pulpit in a parish, ever.
    Thank you. How we need this. We are so surrounded by compromise and ‘tolerance’ (even of evil) and political correctness that it takes great effort to sift through the junk and see to the core of things, to see to the spiritual battle constanting waging about us.

    Ave Maria!

  • Patrick Skinner says:

    Excellent homily and very convicting. How often we fail to speak up against the sins of this world. But we are responsible for our own souls and the souls of others God puts in our lives. Just as our Preists are responsible to speak truth from the pulpit, we too must speak the whole truth to others. It is a most difficult thing to do, but as Men and Women of God we must do so as Christ did. Mary, help us be true Men and Women of God.

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