Oct 29 – Fr. Ignatius Manfredonia – Three Enemies

By October 30, 2007October 27th, 2011Fr. Ignatius Manfredonia, Homily, Special Event
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Ave Maria!

Our first homily since the Conference in Indiana. Deo Gratias!

Fr. Ignatius Manfredonia gives the homily yesterday, Monday, for a votive mass for St. Maximilian Kolbe and bases it on the readings referring to the three enemies of the soul: the world, the flesh, and the devil and how?they militate against the spirit, or our spiritual development. He then points out that the flesh is the worst of these because you cannot run from the flesh. Concupiscence is always with us. Watch this video as Fr. Ignatius explains the need for penance to fight against the flesh.

Ave Maria!

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  • ROY S. TENN says:

    Very interesting reading from St. Paul which prompts me to wonder if this was the reason for the thorn in his side, as at times the Devil tries to trip us up with the sins of the flesh.

    A lady who did this reading at our morning Mass got so emotional while doing this reading, she started to sob, and wiped tears from her eyes when caught up in the emotion of this reading. No reflection on her part as she is highly respected.


  • Peter S. Scozzare says:

    Thank you for bringing the things we need to know, on our journey to Heaven, to the fore-front. We often times stray and need the truth to help us reset our spiritual compass. When the truth is told I liken it to a beautiful harmonious symphony. AKA music to my ears. Ave Maria!

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