Video – Roving Reporter #17: Fr Angelo at the Start of the 40 Days for Life in Norwich, CT

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Ave Maria!

[Update: The 2008 40-Days-for-Life Vigil starts Sept 24 in approximately 300 cities across America, praying outside of abortion clinics 24 hours a day for 40 days ending Nov 2, just prior to the presidential election.]

Friar Roderic caught up with Fr Angelo Geiger in front of the Abortion Clinic in Norwich, CT, on the night of the start of the "40 Days for Life" campaign, which is now into Day 11.

We here at AirMaria apologize for not getting this footage up sooner - we have been so busy preparing for the Videotaping and Live-Streaming of the Coredemption Conference in Indiana, preparing for several NCE-FM License Applications, and to top it all off, madly preparing for the Boot Camp at the friary starting on Oct 19th. Whew!!!

Anyways, all these activities end during the same week in October (the 19th) and then our AirMaria crew will receive a manpower boost, with the addition of two Novices to the team, and we will have much more time to devote to keeping up with our postings.

Ave Maria!

Author apostolate

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  • Peter S. Scozzare says:

    Thank you for being true roll-models of our faith. I cannot physically be out praying but I can offer my suffering and prayers for the 40 days in union with you. Ave Maria and may God bless you.

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