Video – Roving Reporter #16: Video Preparations for the Coredemption Conference
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Ave Maria!
Friar Roderic catches Fra Augustine, FI and Susan Mackewich of Gizmo Production & Post, NY City as they wrap-up their video school for the friars at Griswold, CT in preparation for the Live Video Transmission of the Behold Your Mother Conference in Indiana on Oct 13th. In the video school they did a complete training in the set-up and operation of our portable live video system that we will be using to live stream from Greenwood, IN. Come watch this video and see how much is going into the preparation for this event.
Ave Maria!
A FOUR CAMERA SHOOT!!!!!!!!! Holy molely?????
You have all the prayers I can say between now and then.
Ave Maria!
p.s. nice to see the chalkboard cleaned up. You never know what kind of rubbish someone will put on it. 😉
Ave Maria! Thanks for the prayers. We need them!
Great to see Susan back at the friary, and she’s a natural on camera. I don’t quite know what a 4-camera shoot involves, but it sounds impressive.
Nice short on the conference prep!