Sept 22 – Fr Angelo Geiger, F.I. – Whoever has Ears to Hear Ought to Hear

By September 22, 2007October 27th, 2011Fr. Angelo Geiger, Homily
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Ave Maria!

?In??today's Gospel?Father Angelo quotes "who ever has ears let them hear?? because you need ears to hear and that is part of the whole problem in regard to accepting the faith and putting it into practice.

Our Lord isn't going to spoon feed it to us or turn it into a multi media animation that we can click on and have it all bulleted out for us so we know exactly what we are suppose to do each and every second.

Ave Maria!


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  • Chris S says:

    Thank you again Father Angelo, for speaking with clarity and simplicity, the beautiful truth of our faith. There are plenty of false prophets in our world today who know exactly what to write and publicize and speak to tickle our ears and promise what we want to hear in our self obsessed culture.
    Our Lord is the the cornerstone rejected by the builders, a stumbling block to our pride and arrogance. He wasn’t courting our arrogance or looking to win the grammies. He wanted to do the will of our Father and calls us to do the same.

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