Ave Maria!
Well its been quite a week for us here at Air Maria, our busiest week ever! Deo Gratias!
Saturday, Sept 8 – Our First Live Broadcast
We had our first live broadcast on the occasion of the Solemn Profession of Fra Joseph. We had about 200 viewers and 20 comments for the event. It was a shakedown of our new system that we are developing for the Coredemption Conference in Indiana on Oct 13.
Monday, Sept 10 thru Tuesday, Our Lady of America in NY
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The big event, of course, was the trip to NY to report on the visitation of Our Lady of America to Ground Zero. It was a whirlwind experience of devotion and exhilaration. Despite the very short notice of this event many crowds appeared. Thanks to Spirit Daily for the publicity. We had over 14,000 visits to our site and over 120 comments from viewers expressing joy and gratitude to Our Lady of America for being at Ground Zero and to those who made it happen. We certainly appreciate this great outpouring of joy over this great event.
We then had a mountain of video editing to do and this is still not done. We still have some great interviews of those involved in the finding of the I-Beam Cross from Ground Zero. Stay Tuned. But here is a list of the postings we made here at AirMaria.com on the OLOA to NY trip so far:
- Initial Announcement
- Interview with Organizer Denise Parlacoski
- Interview with Firemen Kevin Calhoun and Co at Ground Zero
- Photo gallery of Our Lady at St. Peter’s, Ground Zero, and St. Patrick’s
- Video of these events
- Shorter Video
Wednesday, Sept 12, Connecticut State Capital
The day after returning from NY we went to the CT State Capital Building to film a pro family rally held by CT Family Institute. Over 200 showed up for that. We got a great interview with Peter Wolfgang head of the Institute.
Thursday, Sept 13, Filmed Face of Pro-life
Filmed four shows for our weekly series on the local cable station here in Connecticut. You can see our latest posting of this here.
Friday, Sept 14, First Tridentine Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel
If the two trips above were not enough we also had our first Traditional Latin Mass here in Griswold, CT on Friday, Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross which is the first day that the Motu Proprio came into effect. The homily can be viewed here. We interviewed Fr. Peter and combined it with clips from the Mass.
Saturday, Sept 15, Live Broadcast of 2nd Tridentine Mass
Then on Saturday, the feast of the Sorrows of Our Lady, we did a second Traditional Latin Mass and this time we broadcast it live. This was quite successful despite some last minute technical glitches. About 140 people viewed this. We will be posting the archived copy today.
Sunday, Sept 16, Our Lady of Good Voyage Procession, New Bedford, MA
Then on Sunday we had the Our Lady of Good Voyage Procession in New Bedford, MA at Our Lady’s Chapel which wound through the city streets to the fishing docks and back with devotions along the way. Over 150 people attended this beautiful event for Our Lady. We hope to get this video posted tomorrow.
So now we have lots of editing to do. But we also have more events coming up, including:
Friday, Sept 21 – Film School for the AirMaria film Crew
Saturday and Sunday OLO America at Newark, NJ
We will be attending the Visitation to St Antoninus in Newark, NJ this Saturday and will bring a film crew. The schedule there is:
Visitation Sat Sept 22 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Mass Sun Sept 23 10:00AM and 12:00PM
OLOA Departs after Noon Mass Sunday
St. Antoninus Church
337 South Orange Ave
Newark, NJ 07104
Wow! No rest for the weary. Of course, we need your help in all this. First, say a prayer for us. Second, if you feel called to give yourself completely to Jesus through Mary as a friar or sister in the Franciscans of the Immaculate please contact us.
Third, please give financial support by making a donation. Please note that any contributions will go directly to AirMaria apostolate to pay for bandwidth, equipment, travel and other direct expenses only and not to pay salaries (we don’t have any) nor for food, clothing or overhead (all that is paid for from other benefactors.) As such, it is virtually impossible to donate more directly and effectively to evangelization than to contribute to AirMaria.
Our prayers are with you. Hope to see some of you in Newark, NJ.
Ave Maria!
I wanted to know if any information is available on events for Our Lady of America visiting the Sacred Heart Cathedral of Newark. There is a group of Franciscans, seminarians, sisters and young lay people from NYC who are involved in a Sacred Heart devotion in Times Square (www.sacredheartnyc.com) that would like to make a pilgrimage there on Saturday, September 29th depending on the schedule of activities. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, God bless!
On the eve of Her appearances as Our Lady of America, to Sr. Mildred in the chapel at Rome City, Indiana, may the Holy Spirit guide all to pray that Her requests will be granted, and to spread the devotion of Our Lady of America, the Immaculate Virgin.
Humbly and respectfully, PLEASE… DO NOT DELAY ANY LONGER, fulfill Our Lady’s request for the placement of this beautiful statue (as Our Lady of America) in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C.! As SHE revealed to Sr. Mildred, “The time grows late!” May God Bless You All!
Specifically, by spreading this devotion as Our Lady of America, and Enthronement of Her statue permanently in Washington, D.C., She promised that America would return to purity and lead all nations to peace. She stated that if Her requests were heeded by the Bishops, there would be more miracles and conversions than at Lourdes. What an AWESOME promise! What a conversion of hearts! What a Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart!
May the Holy Spirit through Our Lord Jesus Christ, guide all to Our Lady of America, the Immaculate Virgin. Ask all your Bishops and pray with confidence! May God Bless everyone who has been instrumental in championing Her cause!
By Your Holy and Immaculate Conception, O Mary, deliver us from evil.”
Hi ..Our Lady of America Blog and Air Maria…I have read that Our Lady of America is going to be coming out to the West Coast this year Does anyone know yet what those dates are ?? Thankyou…. and God Bless