Video – Face of Pro-life #12: 40 Days for Life

By September 17, 2007July 23rd, 2008Corinn Dahm, Face of Pro-Life, Pro-Life, Special Event
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Ave Maria!

[Update: The 2008 40-Days-for-Life Vigil starts Sept 24 in approximately 300 cities across America, praying outside of abortion clinics 24 hours a day for 40 days ending Nov 2, just prior to the presidential election.]

Corinn Dahm and Nicole Peck discuss the 40 Days for Life prayer campaign to end abortion that is rapidly becoming a national phenomenon. Based on the concept of 40 days for the more important transformational events in the Bible (the rain for the Great Flood, the prayer and fasting of Our Lord in the desert) 40 days are being set aside in front of abortion clinics across the nation in a concerted spiritual effort of monumental proportions to transform the hearts of abortionists. Listen to this incredible account of this historical event.

Ave Maria!

Author apostolate

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