Video – Mary as Advocate – #11 Coredemptrix, Mediatrix, & Advocate – Miravalle

By September 14, 2007December 15th, 2018Coredemptrix, Mediatrix, Advocate, Dr. Mark Miravalle
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Ave Maria!

This week Dr Mark Miravalle explains Mary's title of Advocate for the People of God. Starting with the Old Testament concept of Queen Mother mentioned in previous posts, Dr. Mark points out that Mary becomes the Queen Mother at the moment she gives her glorious fiat. This is confirmed just days afterwards when she visits Elizabeth who calls her "the Mother of My Lord" under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. As Queen Mother her primary role is to intercede for us with her Son, the King. Thus she is our Advocate. Listen as Dr. Mark then gives two New Testament examples of this intercession, the Feast of Cana, John 2, and the Woman Clothed with the Sun, Revelation 11 and 12.

Ave Maria!


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