Video – Fr Maximilian – The Cornerstone #24: Colossians 1:16-17
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Ave Maria!
In this episode Fr. Maximilian Mary covers key points of Christian metaphysics based on St. Paul's Epistle to the Colossians. The language of the Holy Apostle reveals Christ as the Exemplary Cause of all creation: For in Him were created all things (Col 1:16); the Efficient Cause (secondarily) of all creation: All things have been created through Him (Col 1:17); and the Final Cause (secondarily) of all creation: All things have been created unto Him. (Col 1:17). Watch and discover why Christ is truly the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end of all things (cf. Apocalypse 21:6). Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last! (Apoc. 1:17).
Ave Maria!
Fr. Mary,
This segment of your series has a problem. It will not play all the way through. It plays normally up to 2 minutes 45 seconds, then goes into an unending stall. Even though the entire file is indicated as downloaded by the progress thermometer, it falls back into the downloading mode and never continues.
I have tried a number of times with no success on either a Mac or a PC.
All the other segments have played normally. Only #24 stalls indefinitely and always at the same point.
I suspect a corrupted file …
Thanks for doing this series. God bless your work …
Dale Smith