Sept 5 – Fr Michael Gauvreau, F.I. – Bl Mother Theresa of Calcutta
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Ave Maria!
Father Michael shows how faith as read in today's readings and the faith of Blessed Theresa of Calcutta is not understood by the world.
Pope Benedict the Sixteenth in his letter Deus Caritas Est says in the example of Blessed Theresa of Calcutta we have a clear illustration of the fact that time devoted to God in prayer not only does not detract from effective and loving service to neighbor but is in fact the inexhaustible source of that service.
Ave Maria!
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In Christ,
G. Festa
Ave Maria!
Thanks, George, for the feedback. We have it fixed.
Hi Father Michael I am really thrilled to have heard you on the air through this website and just listened in on the Homily # 154 on Blessed Mother Theresa and It was really good you are a wonderful teaching Priest and the Lord is truly working in your life, I was inspired by this talk and it tells us to follow Jesus and become closer to Him regardless of what the world thinks and we will be blessed even though we will be persecuted for doing so we are not alone and we have a good example in Mother Theresa to show love in everything we do for the love of the Lord. God Bless and I will pray for you and your ministry. Love Aunt Maureen.
Hello…I Googled for maria theresa, but found your page about Sept 5 – Fr Michael Gauvreau, F.I. – Bl Mother Theresa of Calcutta…and have to say thanks. nice read.