Video: Extra #2 – Fr Joseph Fessio, S.J.: Recent Vatican Docs #2: Cover Letter

By August 5, 2007October 22nd, 2022Benedict XVI, Variety
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Ave Maria!

In this segment of our mini series on Recent Vatican Documents Fr. Fessio discusses the Cover Letter to the "Motu Proprio" Summorum Pontificum. In this letter pope Benedict XVI addresses confusing and speculative reports in the media prior to the release of the Motu Proprio and strong reaction to these reports both positive and negative. The pope says the two fears that sparked most of the opposition are that allowing the old rite would:

1. be a detraction from the authority of the Second Vatican Council and its liturgical reform, and

2. lead to disarray and division in parish communities.

Come listen to Fr. Fessio as he covers the thoughts of the Holy Father in regard to these fears based on the Cover Letter but also based on his own familiarity with the pope's position on the liturgy. In the process he covers the true nature of the reform of Vatican II, the bad interpretations of that reform (and resulting damage) and where the Holy Father wants the reform of the reform to go in relation to the old liturgy. Fr. Fessio also adds many of his own insights.

Ave Maria!

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  • Sean says:

    Very nice! I’m most thankful to Fr. Fessio and Ignatius Press for publishing books on the liturgy! I recently acquired Dom Alcuin Reid’s book as well as U.M. Lang’s book and I am a very satisfied customer. 😉