Video: Extra #1 – Fr Joseph Fessio, S.J.: Recent Vatican Documents #1: Motu Proprio

By August 1, 2007October 8th, 2022Benedict XVI, Prayer, Variety
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Ave Maria!

The AirMaria Crew (minus our Roving Reporter, friar Roderic) recently went to Cleveland, Ohio, for the Catholic Marketing Network's Trade Show.

Fr. Joseph Fessio, S.J. was the principal celebrant for the Holy Mass on Thursday morning, and afterwards we caught up with him, to do a series of several parts, on the recent documents released by Pope Benedict XVI. Fr. Fessio is a close friend of the Holy Father and in this short series he explains these documents with insights from this unique perspective.

This first episode is an explanation of the very recent Apostolic Letter "Motu Proprio"? Summorum Pontificum which our Holy Father, Pope Benedict released on 07/07/07 concerning the use of the Roman Missal promulgated by John XXIII in 1962.

We are very blessed to have Fr. Fessio agree to do this series for AirMaria and we hope you will not only enjoy it, but will gain a higher appreciation for how our Holy Father is guiding his flock with wisdom and prudence.

Ave Maria!

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