Video – Fr. Bonaventure – Homily: Christ and the Crowd

By July 2, 2007September 3rd, 2007Fr. Bonaventure, Homily
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Ave Maria!

Why did Christ depart from the crowds when they thronged to Him, especially when they insisted on making Him king? Was He not hung on a tree for being King of the Jews, and didn't He even plead guilty to the charge? As Fr. Bonaventure explains, Christ's withdrawals during His ministry were a means of testing those of good will, of seeing if the Israelite in the crowd was a true seeker of Truth or merely interested in the novelty of the carpenter's preaching and in having his ears tickled.

Who is the true follower of Christ? Is he a fair-weather chum in the morning and a turncoat in the evening? Listen now to this brief but authoritative homily from Fr. Bonaventure Maria.

Ave Maria


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