Video – Fr. Angelo Geiger – Homily: Solemnity of St. John the Baptist
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Ave Maria!
Today we celebrate the Solemnity of John the Baptist, the only saint " outside of Our Lord and Our Lady " whose birthday the Church celebrates as a feast, and he could be the only one whose sainthood itself resulted from a feast. Other saint's feast days are held on the memorials of their death. All history centers around the life of Christ, and it was John who, when men would come to him in the wilderness for baptism, would lessen himself and point them to the God-man: "Behold, the Lamb of God. He must increase, and I must decrease. In hearing His voice, my joy is complete.?? John was even sanctified in his mother's womb at the sound of another voice " that of Our Lady " and therefore enjoyed the privilege of being born without original sin. (Note: He is not another immaculate conception because his sanctification occurred after his conception.)
Come now and listen to this insightful and challenging homily by Fr. Angelo on St. John and our call to be saints as well
Ave Maria!