Vid – Meaning of Coredemption – Coredemptrix, Mediatrix, Advocate #1 – Miravalle

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Ave Maria!

We are so blessed to have Dr Mark Miravalle, Professor of Theology and Mariology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, host this new inspirational series on AirMaria entitled Coredemptrix, Mediatrix, & Advocate, which will present and explain these roles of Mary to help prepare the way for a possible definition of the 5th Marian Dogma.

In this first episode Dr. Mark clearly explains Our Blessed Lady's role as Coredemptrix by first underscoring what Coredemptrix does not mean i.e. that she is not God, that she is not equal with Jesus, and that she is not the Fourth person of the Blessed Trinity.

We hope you will enjoy watching this series as much as we did filming it. We also hope that this series will help to dispel all the many misconceptions and misunderstandings of Our Blessed Lady's role in the salvation of the human race and inspire you to greater love of Mary and her Son, Jesus.

Ave Maria!

Author apostolate

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  • Dom. Dimlume says:

    Great show, A difficult subject which dr Miravalle managed to put across with clarity and zeal. Looking forward to later episodes.


  • Matthew Gonzalez says:

    Is so good to see Dr. Miravalle speak! I have read most of his writings so far and have heard several of his talks. But it is good to finally see him “face to video”. His expressions demonstrate his zeal and love for Mary. He is edifying to watch. Great talk!