Video – F.I. News #19: Dr. Mark Miravalle’s New Series on

By June 12, 2007June 23rd, 2008AirMaria Updates, Coredemption, Promo
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Ave Maria!

The AirMaria crew is on the road (en route to the Indiana friary to deliver our precious cargo of our own Fr. Elias Mary to his new posting) and we will be filming a host of various guests over the next few days.

Today we are in Steubenville, Ohio, and we had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Mark Miravalle, Professor of Theology and Marialogy at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, for a great new series he will be doing for Airmaria on Mary - Coredemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate.

We hope to publish the first episode next week and here is a little teaser and promo for the series.

Ave Maria!

Author apostolate

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  • Matthew Gonzalez says:

    Dr. Miravalle is always a joy to listen to and to read. I look forward to his upcoming series and I hope and pray that many will watch, listen, and learn. Let us pray that we may have open hearts and minds to understand and love the theo-logic of Our Lady as corredemptrix and to see her in the Heart of Christ and the Church. May we love her in union with Her Son.

  • Brenda says:

    Ave Maria! I really enjoyed finally being able to see & hear Dr. Miravalle. Recently I spoke with a friend who is confused as to whether Our Lady as Co-Redemptrix is an orthodox position. There’s plenty of confusion out there so it’s great to have Dr. Miravalle here to clear things up. Thank you!