Video – Fr. Elias Mary – Homily: Don Dolindo & the Holy Spirit

By May 22, 2007October 27th, 2011Fr. Elias Mills, Homily
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Ave Maria!

Recently, Pope Benedict XVI stated that the scene of the apostles in the upper room in prayer with Our Lady is the model for the Church in every age. It was in that room that the apostles received the seal and power of the Holy Spirit. In today's homily, Fr. Elias discusses how we can be predisposed to the receiving and using the gifts of the Spirit of God, and he takes much of his material from a book on the Holy Spirit written by Italian priest Don Dolindo, a work soon to be translated and published by the Academy of the Immaculate. Don Dolindo insisted that practicing the moral virtues was the foundation for cultivating the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and he wrote that Our Lady was moved solely by the Holy Spirit, solely by the love of God. We cannot claim such a grace because we were not immaculately conceived, but we can plead with Our Lady to open our hearts so that we can receive the fullness of the Spirit that God desires us to possess. [Click here for today's readings.]

Ave Maria!


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