Video – Fra Joseph – No Apologies #7: Mary Prefigured by Rebecca
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Ave Maria!
This week Fra Joseph explains how Mary is prefigured in the Old Testament by Rebecca the mother of Jacob and the husband of Isaac. Come see how he connects this story with the Marian Doctrines of the Coredemption and Mediatrix of All Graces.
Ave Maria!
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Ave Maria!
Fra Joseph,
Ave Maria!
Fra Joseph,
A Jewish man told me that he didn’t like this scripture because Rebecca and Jacob tricked Essau and he thought that didn’t represent a loving God. What would be your response be to that comment and how would you relate that to our Blessed Mother. God bless, Kathleen
Ave Maria!
Ave Maria Kathleen.
Sorry I’m so late in responding.
There was no in-justice done to Essau because he had freely sold his birthright and with it Isaac’s blessing.
Essau had shown that he intended to unjustly receive what was no longer his. Rebecca, it having been revealed to her that “ the elder shall serve the younger??? (cf 25:23), and aware that Providence had arranged for the fulfillment of this in the pottage/birthright deal, acted as she did. The “trick??? was an act of justice. To act justly is an act of love.
The Blessed Mother practiced the virtue of justice to a heroic degree.
Thanks for watching. Ave Maria!
Fra Joseph