Video – Fr. Maximilian – The Cornerstone #6: Why bother? … The Primary Motive of the Incarnation

By May 5, 2007April 14th, 2008Fr. Maximilian Dean, The Cornerstone

Views 1937

Ave Maria!

Note from the webmaster: If the title and text of this post look familiar to you it is because I used this text accidently in the Cornerstone #5 which has now been updated. Now for the post...

Most people, when they are first introduced to this theme say, "Man sinned; Jesus came to redeem us; so who cares what 'would' have been had man not sinned?" Find out why the primary motive of the Incarnation is important and how it affects our view of God, the Incarnation, the Virgin Mary, the Angels & Saints, and spirituality, psychology, evangelization, etc. God's eternal purpose is important!

Discussion on the blogs is increasing on the primacy . . .


Mark Shea's blog "Catholic and Enjoying It", April 12, 2007 Gives two references to other blogs on the question "If We Had Not Fallen, Would God Have Become Man?":

1. "Disputations" blog, March 24, 2007 and the same blog on April 12 and
2. Springtime for Scotists April 13, 2007

And finally, "Pertinacious Papist Musings on Catholic Intellectual Culture" blog, April 18, 2007 "Cur Deus Homo?"

Ave Maria!

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