Video – Fr. Bonaventure – Homily: The True Work of God

By May 5, 2007October 27th, 2011Fr. Bonaventure, Homily
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Ave Maria!

Christ or chaos: those are our two options. As Roman Catholics, we cannot embrace disorder & pitch our tents in or near Sodom. "If only you could show me a sign, I would believe,?? some may assert. What was the primary response to the miracles of Christ? Unbelief. Miracles are no remedy for unbelief. So what are the true works of Christ spoken of in today's gospel? What is the work of God? It is the very word He speaks, His very Word made flesh. His words are His works, & when He speaks them, true transformation takes place in the human heart & in the human mind. The words & works of God establishes the culture of life; the words & works of Satan establishes the culture of death. Listen now to this powerful homily by Fr. Bonaventure as he instructs us in the in the true Opus Dei, the true work of God.

Ave Maria!


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