Video – Face of Pro-Life #7: The Fight Against Same-Sex Marriage

By April 24, 2007June 28th, 2008Face of Pro-Life
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Ave Maria!

"In order to push same-sex marriage, you have to deny that children do best in a home with both a mother & a father." On this episode, Corinn talks with Peter Wolfgang, Director of Public Policy for the Family Institute of Connecticut, on this mission of the FIC and their current battle against same-sex marriage. Mentioned in the discussion is how the same-sex marriage agenda is fueling attacks on religious liberties in Boston, Minnesota, England, Canada, & Sweden, & how it's effecting what are children are being taught in school. "Children are not mere creatures of the state," was the decision passed down in a famous 1920s Supreme Court case (Pierce vs. Society of Sisters), & yet Peter explains how in the Boston school system today, the Constitution & parental rights are being subverted in the name of teaching our children sexual immorality. Such is always the case when "the State" deifies itself & vilifies Christ & His followers.

Ave Maria!

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