Video – Raymond de Souza: Catechism on Good & Evil & the Rise of Satanism

By April 17, 2007June 24th, 2008Raymond de Souza, Spirit, Faith and Family
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Ave Maria!

When we reject Christ, does it mean that we simply stop attending church services? What are the consequences of making ourselves gods? In this episode of Spirit, Faith, & Family, guest Raymond deSouza discusses the nature of good and evil, the rise of Satanism in our modern times, & the need for Catholics to put on the "armor of God?? as described by the apostle Paul. Raymond expounds on the fact that evil is not the product of a lack of education or merely the absence of good: evil is a spirit who is perverted & who perverts, & whos proper name is Satan. As the Devil knows, "The best way to crush an enemy is not to beat him on the battlefield, but to remove from him the will to fight.?? Listen now to Raymond as he explains to us the nature of our battle & the tools we must use to fight.

Ave Maria!


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  • Evan says:

    I love to hear Raymond speak. This interview was a few years ago, yes? The last time we heard from him he had moved his family about 90min from us here in PA. Haven’t heard from him in about a year though. We miss him.