Video – Fr. Bonaventure – Homily: Celebrating a Wonderful Father Figure

By March 19, 2007October 19th, 2014Fr. Bonaventure, Homily
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Ave Maria!

Today's Readings and liturgy in the Church celebrate the solemnity of St. Joseph. He was chosen by God the Father not to feed His lambs, but, as it were, to feed and defend His shepherd. He is the Universal Patron and Protector of the Church and of the Family and a witness to all the truths of Christendom, including the Incarnation and the Perpetual Virginity of the Mother of God. We must turn to him now more than ever, when the mysteries of our Faith, the role of fatherhood, and masculinity itself are all under assault by the juggernaut known as the culture of death. As one Catholic psychologist points out, much of today's ADD diagnosis is rooted in an "absent dad dilemma?? that plagues all of Western culture. St. Joseph is the model remedy for what ails us.

Ave Maria!


Author apostolate

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  • Donna says:

    Ave Maria!
    I view your daily Homilies at work each evening. I have come to look forward to them, you might say they are my daily SOAPS
    I find encouragement for the daily hardships in this real working world. When you can not get away, from the sights and the sounds I find your daily homilies bring my frame of mind back to the Lord. Sometimes I repeat them afew times because there is so much in them to absorb. I especialy enjoy having Sundays Masses, so on Monday I can here it again.
    I thank you for all your efforts and especially your Love of the Immaculate!

    P.S. Just wanted to let you know that in this Homily it kept stopping and putting that round thingy on screen, then Father would begin to speak again
    Was like stop and go. This never happen before. Thank you.

    Yours in the Immaculate,