Video – Fr. Peter – The Golden Thead #6: The Church and Her Relation to the World
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Ave Maria!
Is the world our friend or enemy?
In this 6th show in his series, The Golden Thread, Fr. Peter Mary Fehlner discusses the Church's relation to the world in the light of the Second Vatican Council. He points out that the source of much of the widely varying interpretations of the Council which have caused so much confusion to the faithful is the multitude of different meanings of the word "world." Fr. Peter clarifies these meanings and in this way helps us to see that Vatican II did not represent a break with past teaching. He also talks about the relative and absolute meanings of the words "autonomous" and "secular" and whether our dependence on God is predicamental or transcendent. All in the light of the theology of the Marian Doctor, Bl. John Duns Scotus.
Ave Maria!