Video – Fr. Angelo Mary Geiger – Homily: Lead Us Not into Temptation

By February 25, 2007October 27th, 2011Fr. Angelo Geiger, Homily
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Ave Maria!

Fr. Angelo touches on the need to avoid temptation as he preaches on Today's Gospel the Temptation of Christ in the Desert. Temptation is the battle that everyone undergoes to become like Christ. However, since we are so unlike Christ, who was God, we should not walk into temptation. But we are to follow his example in being humble. For our Lord it was a humbling experience, dealing with Satan's temptations in the desert for our benefit. We, on the other hand, find humility by fleeing temptation, which is the near occasion of sin. Father talks about the nature of Christ's temptation, the need to honor Christ as King in all His perfection as opposed to making Him just another Joe and to honor Mary, His greatest Masterpiece. He also mentions the need for the sacraments and to know the dispositions of contrition found in the traditional Act of Contrition.

Now is the time for repentance and Mercy. Let us make use of it.

Ave Maria!

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  • David says:

    The Discovery Channel on March 4th will be showing a heretical documentary which claims that the bodily remains of Our Lord has been found. How come the media continues to publicly air fallacious claims about Christ in a country that is predominantly Christian??! ….and why do so many Christians choose to believe biased “scientific findings” over the true authority of divine revelation?? How do we go about combating these evil lies that lead so many astray??

  • Father Angelo says:

    It is another farce ala Davinci Code. James Cameron of Titanic fame has directed a crockumentary that the archeologists who unearthed the tombs say is ridiculous.  

    Amos Kloner, the first archaeologist to examine the site, said the idea fails to hold up by archaeological standards but makes for profitable television. “They just want to get money for it,” Kloner said. “It was an ordinary middle-class Jerusalem burial cave,” he added. “The names on the caskets are the most common names found among Jews at the time.”

    The Lost Tomb of Christ is more pop-secularist superstition produced by men who hate the Church. Best not to take it too seriously. The whole argument of the filmmaker (filmmaker mind you, not scientist) is that concurance of several scriptural names and DNA similarities found indicating blood relation is compelling evidence for one of the tombs being that of Jesus. One only gets away with a sham like this if it is directed against Christianity. The fact that Cameron is a Hollywood darling will only strengthen his “argument.”

    For those who are interested in the truth the facts in this case are pretty plane and simple. A little ignorance will go a long way, but is not so hard to pop Cameron’s balloon. For those who are only looking for an excuse to reject Christianity, we have only prayer.

    Ave Maria!