Video – Fr. Bonaventure – Homily: I Bear the Brandmarks of Christ in My Body

By February 16, 2007June 4th, 2008Fr. Bonaventure, Homily
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Ave Maria!

"We must die to ourselves each day", "Die to our own opinions", "Die to our self love".
Phrases like these are very unpopular in this world where the "Unholy Trinity" are glorified i.e. Me, Myself, & I.
Fr. Bonaventure beautifully explains that we must die to ourselves and bear the brandmarks of Christ in our own bodies so that our Heavenly Father will recognize His Son in us when we die, and, like Our Blessed Lord, that after we die we may be found lying in the arms of His Blessed Mother.

Ave Maria!

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  • Brian says:

    Dear Friars,

    What a blessing to have the homilies online! Thanks for all you do.

    Ave Maria,
