Video – Fr. Peter – The Prerogatives or Our Lady and the Divinity of Christ
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Ave Maria!
Using the Biblical verses Exodus 3:14, the Burning Bush that speaks to Moses and Luke 1:26, the Annunciation of the Angel Gabriel to Mary, John Primeau discusses with Fr. Peter Mary Fehlner, F.I. the Perpetual Virginity and Immaculate Conception of Our Lady as signs of Our Lord being sent by the Father. Fr. Peter makes the connection between the Bush that burns with the Spirit of the Lord but is not consumed and the Virginity of Our Lady that is made fruitful by the Holy Spirit while not being consumed, she remains a virgin throughout.
He also discusses the meaning of the Greek words "Chaire, Kecharitomene," "Hail, Full of Grace," referring to Mary's Immaculate Conception.
Filmed at NACEPF, courtesy of John Primeau.
Ave Maria!