Video – Fr. Angelo – Standing Fast #3: Our Lady of Victories

By February 8, 2007June 14th, 2008Fr. Angelo Geiger, Standing Fast
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Ave Maria!

In this entry of Standing Fast, Fr. Angelo Geiger F.I. talks about Our Lady of Victories and the Battle of Lepanto won by the Christian forces against the Ottoman empire in 1571. More than ever we need our Lady to overcome the evil launched against us by both secularists and Islamic fundamentalists.

Ave Maria!

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  • Evan says:

    Awesome! Thank you very much for providing these spiritual riches Father. These talks really help temper the noise some of us are exposed to everyday.

  • Ave Maria! says:

    This is a little excerpt from an article by Jim Coop:

    “Am I not here, I who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection?” The Blessed Virgin Mary spoke these words to an Indian merchant on December 12, 1531, during the last of her several appearances to him. It is quite probable that one of the consequences of these apparitions was the prevention of an armed revolt of the Mexican Indian population against their Spanish conquerors. Another was the greatest mass conversion to Christianity in the history of the Church.
    How very much we need Our Blessed Mother now! Surely we need her as much or more as we did in the 16th century.
    Let us beseech Our Lady of Victories for her aid now, in this our time.
    Ave Maria!

  • Woody Jones says:

    May all nations, including our own, submit with joy to the social reign of Christ the King.

    Amen, amen. As they say down here in the Bible belt, “preach on, brother.”