Video – Fr. Peter – The Golden Thread #3: Why a Worldly Life does not Lead to Happiness?
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Ave Maria!
Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner continues his series The Golden Thread on the theology of John Duns Scotus. Here he gives a broad introductory view of the difference between religion and secularity. He explains how Scotus affirms the capacity to perform secular acts, which are morally neutral, and thus simple pleasures are not a sin. Most people would then say, "let's live our whole life this way." But Scotus also says such a life cannot lead to happiness. He then discusses why God enables us to do secular acts and how this sheds new light on the famous moral tests in the Bible, Adam and Eve in the Garden and The Rich Young Man in the New Testament. He addresses, concupiscence, original sin, the difference between the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil vs. the Tree of Life, between contentment and happiness, between living to do God's will vs. striving for new experiences and between human autonomy vs. obligation and so the true meaning of freedom.
Ave Maria!
It is so refreshing to see and hear Fr Peter’s talks.
Everyone should sit up and listen when this holy man speaks.
Liked your talk, very reveiling…we should all hear by the true word,and live by it…
Thank you so much Father Fehlner and all here at Air Maria. I posted this video on our blog and hope many more will listen and come to Air Maria for more videos and instruction in our precious faith from Holy Mother Church.
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