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Dr. Miravalle: Peace Not Through Politics

It is the day before the election.

If we choose the candidate that is pro-life, pro-traditional family, and pro-religious freedom to be the next President of the United States, then a window of God’s Mercy will be granted to America.

If not, then we will have chosen to receive a new manifestation of God’s Justice for our nation. God will not violate his greatest gift to each of us: our free will, and its true and just consequences for us and for our country.

After a national experience of unprecedented political advertising and media bombardment, it could subconsciously convey the message that one or other of these candidates is, in fact, our national “messiah”, our country’s “savior.”

For the Christian American, neither candidate is our savior.

As massively significant as this U.S. election is, and it truly is, the road ahead for our nation in any case will be difficult to historical proportions.

If our favored candidate wins, we may allot for ourselves little time for rejoicing, because the battle wages on – -the battle for our nation’s soul and for the souls of its citizens.

If our favored candidate loses, we may allot ourselves little time for mourning, because the battle wages on – the battle for our nation’s soul and for the souls of its citizens.

The Christian in America must become, more than ever before, a sign of Jesus Christ for our nation. This sign must be something more than a Christian slogan on the car bumper, or Rosary beads hanging from the rear view mirror.

This Christian American sign must be something interior, that then manifests and pervades the public forum.

The Christian American sign must be Joy.

Joy? This may sound superficial, idealistic, or even harsh if the election tomorrow does not go as we have hoped and prayed. But the Christian American’s duty to manifest Joy is ever-present, regardless of external circumstance. It is especially our duty at times of external trial or even national calamity that Joy must be the external witness of the Christian American.

Why Joy?

Because as things become increasingly difficult, the propensity for national hopelessness will likewise increase. This is where the Christian American must witness to his country a hope that is not politically based, but supernaturally infused.

If there are ten people in a public line, nine of which reveal on their faces the burdens of grave family crises, heavy financial debts, and overwhelming relationship issues, the tenth person in line, through the joy in his eyes, through the smile on her lips, through the gestures of understanding and empathy in their actions, convey real living and breathing hope. Christian Joy becomes the ultimate witness of Jesus and means of authentic Christian evangelization for a country that is losing its faith in God and the hope that can only exist based on that faith.

Where does our peace lie?

The darker the national situation becomes, the greater is the responsibility for the Christian American to reflect Light. To obtain the inner joy and hope which then organically becomes external, American Christians need to pray more. The Christian must keep always in mind and meditation that Jesus dwells in your soul and never leaves you, regardless of what’s happening in the world. The Catholic Christian must return to Sunday Mass, daily Rosary, and weekly Eucharistic Adoration where, in his very presence, Jesus will bathe you in his peace, fill you with his joy, and guide you in his light.

Christian Americans, it is always the right time to be joyful. Now, it is imperative for our country. Regardless of tomorrow’s political results, our mission is clear: reflect the joy and peace of Jesus which tells our American brothers and sisters in a witness infinitely louder than words that true peace does not come from politics. Peace comes from Christ.

Dr. Mark Miravalle

Professor of Theology

Franciscan University of Steubenville

November 5, 2012



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  • Brenda says:

    This certainly gets to the heart of the matter, doesn’t it?

    Thank you to Dr. Miravalle for such a beautifully written piece and thank you very much to the friars for posting it.

    May God grant us Peace AND Joy!

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